Why Moose Have Antlers

The legend behind the song:

One day a young moose was standing in the forest, munching on some of the beautiful plants and leaves, when suddenly he heard a loud “honk,” It was a goose just saying hello. The moose though something terrible was about to happen and started to run through the forest. The goose, surprised by the sudden movement, ran after the moose.

As the moose ran through the forest, the goose ran behind shouting “Moose on the loose, Moose on the loose.”

The moose ran through the forest, and he ran past the trees. He ran through some branches, and he ran through the leaves. Some big knurly branches stuck to the moose’s head. The branches grew solid and held fast and turned antlers.

The panic moose eventually slowed down and wondered, what can I do with the beautiful new antlers? The goose suggested several possible to things the moose could do with his new antlers: 

“You can shake them back and forth to say, ‘hello.’   You can use them to swat flies. You can use your antlers the to hang wet underwear on to dry. Birds could build a nest in your fine antlers as  they fly by.”

What do you imagine the moose could do with his new antlers?

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